Body Ready Birth

  • Know with absolutely clarity what to do when (and why) in each stage of labor to progress smoothly

  • Cut through the endless ‘tips and tricks’ and learn ONLY what really works

  • Avoid trial and error during labor

  • Have complete confidence that you know what works in your body

  • PLUS you’ll learn specific, hands-on techniques for your partner to use to help with progress and comfort too!

What is it?

Body Ready Birth is THE birth class if you’re hoping for a vaginal birth.

Labor and birth are a marathon, and there are three different levels of the pelvis that your baby needs to navigate to be born. In this class, I teach you positions that will help you move your baby the most efficiently so you can feel aware, empowered, and strong. If you’re someone who also thinks your body is designed to give birth, and that you’ll be able to figure it out - I agree! AND, let me show you and your partner HOW in pregnancy, so that birth isn’t the first time you’re trying to find positions you’ve never done before.

In this systematic class I’ll walk you and your partner through baby’s journey through the body from beginning to end, so you’re neural pathways have some familiarity for the big event. The benefit of having my eyes on you and getting this hands-on experience in pregnancy is that as a Body Ready Method movement teacher, I can assess your body and how you move, and give you some insight on moves you can do at home to increase your mobility in that position so that phase of the pelvis is not a hang up.

Your partner will also learn some ways they can help move things along so they feel like they’ve got some tools, too. Last but not least, you’ll learn how to breathe baby down and out, and two common birth positions to avoid, but if you can’t avoid them, I’ll show you how to make them more optimal to reduce the risk of tearing.

Questions You May Have

Question: Does this replace the birth class from the hospital?

Answer: No, if you are giving birth at a hospital it is important to get a tour of where you will be birthing. The birth class at the hospital will give you important information about drugs, interventions, procedures and the risks that come with them, it is important to equip yourself with knowledge about this ahead of time so you can decide what you’re okay with and know what to expect.

Question: Does my partner have to come?

Answer: Will they be at the birth? Will you coparent this baby together? Then yes. The labor and birth process will be an experience in your relationship that neither of you will forget. If you want to go into this labor and birth as a team unit, you will be amazed at how this information will help you navigate what to do and what to do next.

Question: What if I am single and not in a relationship?

Answer: The birth partner you bring does not have to be your significant other. Bring your mom, friend, sister, ONE person who will be your support person.

Question: I’m not pregnant, but this looks REALLY interesting and I want to know more. Can I come?

Answer: I signed a waiver saying I would only teach expecting people and their support partner, but I am more than happy to direct you to the training I did, and if you want, you can learn from there!

Question: Won’t the doctors and nurses just tell us what to do?

Answer: Maybe? But no one else is giving birth except for YOU. By learning these movements and recognizing what level of the pelvis you are in, you will intuitively know (based on experience from practicing these moves) how to move to help baby down and out.

Question: If we take this class do we still need a doula?

Answer: I’m very pro doula and I’ve got a great relationship with the local doula team if you need resources. Every birth is different, and this class will help you decide and communicate what you want ahead of time, a professional doula is your support guide for this.

Question: Why are you talking about levels of the pelvis? I thought you just needed to be dilated to a 10 and the baby comes out?

Answer: That’s a common misconception, but things have to change pretty drastically in your pelvis in order for be baby to be born. We go over this in-depth in the class.

Question: I’m like, really in-tune with myself and I think my body will be able to figure it out when the time comes. Do I need this class?

Answer: YES YES YES 100X YES. Listen, our ancestors moved in dynamic ways on a day to day basis that we tend not to in modern day life. If you were running a race, you would at least check out the terrain before the big day, right? I bet you’re very in tune with yourself, but building these neural pathways and learning about the path ahead of time is more likely to get your the birth you are hoping for.

Question: Will this guarantee me a vaginal birth?

Answer: No one can guarantee you anything about anything ever, so I want to be very clear that things can always come up in any situation, including birth. However, I do believe that by being connected and going into any situation with awareness and education makes every next step feel more secure.