Core Values
My mission is to normalize the female body.
Growth Mindset/DIY - I take responsibility for how I show up. I’m always practicing how to operate with more kindness, compassion, and gratitude. I’m attracted to people who also enjoy working on themselves, even if they’re starting from their lowest low. I’m a lifelong learner, and if there’s a smoother, more efficient way to do something, I want to know. If there is an easy thing I can teach you that you can do at home, I want you to know that. I’ve been super curious my entire life, and I haven’t run out of questions yet.
Authentic Power - I’m going to be honest with you, I’ve spent most of my life being nice, quiet, small, and agreeable to make other people’s experience of my existence easier. Barf, I know. Being a business owner/personal brand made that even worse. But I started to notice that some of the people I love the most in this world don’t actually have that much in common with me, they’re just unapologetically themselves, and I’m totally charmed and entranced by them. So I’m giving you a fair warning that as of 10/3/2022, I’m just being myself, and we might be different, and that’s okay because I’ll probably like you for you and hopefully you’ll like me for me. Whew, glad I got that off my chest.
Innate Wisdom/ Physiology/ Flow - Our bodies are always trying to find balance. I use bodywork to increase the flow of nerve, blood, lymph, and chi circulation. I restore alignment for less strain in gravity. If you believe in your body’s innate ability to exist and heal, we'll be a great fit.
Body Literacy/ Embodied Consent - It’s important that women know how their body works. Knowledge is power, and it’s easier to be and stay in your power when you have an idea of how it’s supposed to go. I’m a firm believer in the “know, like, and trust” factor, and if your body senses my touch as intrusive, I'll hold space until it lets me in. Presence and safety are part of healing.
Connection - I treasure my relationships. I want to be able to speak to who you are instead of giving information that you need to weed through. I’d rather go an inch wide, mile deep vs inch deep, mile wide with you. Before I committed to being a healing practitioner, I was going to school to be a cultural/medical anthropologist so I could learn about….other cultures’ healing modalities. I just love people, and I’m fascinated by who they are. Even character/personality profiles (like Meyer’s Briggs, Kolbe, Human Design), I’m just a sucker for that info and eat it up. Feel free to share anything like that ahead of time so I know who I’m working with.
Creative Freedom & Expression - The best part about my job is that you're so unique, we get to customize a program all about you. Depending on your goals and where your body is when you show up, we get to come up with a plan that will feel easy. This variety makes our work together a win-win situation because it means I never get bored or burnt out.